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  • Writer's pictureDr. Judy

WELLNESS TIP: Do Good for Others

Is it really better to give than receive? Well, science certainly would say YES!⁣

Today, I participated in the WALK TO END ALZHEIMERS.

Research shows that helping others is good for your own physical and #MentalHealth. It leads to a decrease in stress and an increase in well-being!⁣

  • When we put others’ needs before our own, it can help us feel better about ourselves, increasing self-esteem. ⁣

  • It contributes to a sense of #meaningfulness which lead to feelings of joy. ⁣

  • It helps us to feel like we belong to a bigger purpose, decreasing loneliness and isolation.⁣

  • And, it helps us to appreciate what we have, increases #gratitude for the good things that are going on in our lives, and distracts us from any problems we are facing ourselves so that we can return to it with a renewed vigor to overcome whatever challenge is before us. ⁣

In the U. S., someone develops Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds, and it is the sixth leading cause of death in the U. S. More than 5 million Americans are living with the disease, and over 16 million people are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. We need to promote awareness, advocate for more research, and help those diagnosed to still live a dignified life with the best quality possible.⁣

What’s one way you can do good this week? You can volunteer, mentor, or do a random act of kindness. Doing good is good for you!

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