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Psychological Testing

Dr. Judy Ho has over 18 years of experience administering evidence-based psychological assessments to adults and children for a variety of purposes.




This type of assessment is conducted when an individual wants to learn about both their cognitive and psychological functioning to clarify diagnoses and build an effective intervention plan. These evaluations are useful when an individual suspects that cognitive problems have developed as a result of brain trauma, medical illnesses, substance use, or a degenerative disease such as Alzheimer's. The evaluation will assess multiple areas of functioning including verbal and nonverbal skills, problem solving, processing speed, visual-spatial organization, various aspects of short and long term memory, attention, concentration, and intellectual ability.


Each of Dr. Judy’s comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations are specifically designed for each client based on their presenting issues and their particular questions.  This evaluation includes a detailed semi-structured clinical interview, a structured diagnostic assessment, the administration, scoring and interpretation of standardized testing materials, review of pertinent medical and historical records, and the collection of collateral information.


At the conclusion of the evaluation, the client will receive verbal feedback, and a detailed written report that includes organized information summarizing personal and psychological history, test results and interpretation, diagnosis (if applicable), and summary and recommendations for treatment and rehabilitation.






This type of evaluation is usually conducted for children and adolescents, but is sometimes also conducted for adults who are in college/graduate school or in the workforce. Psychoeducational Testing is useful to identify academic, emotional, and behavioral strengths and weaknesses of the individual and to make recommendations for specific services and interventions (e.g., speech therapists, special accommodations in the classroom) that may help the youth to improve specific areas of functioning. Psychoeducational testing includes a set of assessment procedures administered and interpreted to obtain information about the individual’s development, learning, memory, academics, behavior and mental health. Different assessment procedures are used depending upon the referral questions, presenting problems and the past tests administered with careful consideration of cultural differences and possible impairments in speech/language, hearing, vision and motor development. Current status of basic health care, hearing and vision will also be established. The evaluation is conducted using different sources and assessment methods (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced tests, screeners/checklists, self-report ratings, observation, and review of history and development).


At the conclusion of the evaluation, the adult client or the youth's parents will receive verbal feedback on the evaluation, and a written report that summarizes and interprets the results of the testing. For youth undergoing testing, Parents often find it helpful to share these results with individuals working with the child (such as teachers, principals, and parent advocates), and sometimes the child, if appropriate. By request, Dr. Judy will also hold a group meeting for staff working with the individual to review the testing results, and assist in intervention development, accommodations, and service delivery planning.





This type of assessment is conducted when an individual would like to learn about the specific issues they are struggling with, how these problems may have originated, developed, and are currently being sustained, how their particular personality factors are serving as protective and risk factors, and to explore targeted treatment options. Dr. Judy’s comprehensive evaluation includes a detailed semi-structured clinical interview, a structured diagnostic assessment, the administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized testing materials, and the collection of collateral information.


At the conclusion of the evaluation, the client will receive verbal feedback on the evaluation, and a detailed written report that includes organized information summarizing personal and psychological history, test results and interpretation, a cognitive-behavioral case formulation, diagnoses (if applicable), and summary and recommendations for treatment.



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