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Forensic Expert Services

Dr. Judy Ho is a triple board-certified Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist. She conducts comprehensive neuropsychological and forensic evaluations and provides sworn testimonies at depositions and court proceedings as an expert witness in both civil and criminal litigations. She is retained by both plaintiff and respondent attorneys, as well as prosecution and defense attorneys. In her expert witness work, she is careful to examine the current literature, utilizing the most up-to-date, scientifically validated instruments to evaluate and opine on matters germane to the case. A list of retained cases is available upon request.

Forensic evaluation is an assessment of an individual, often used in legal and/or employment settings to document a wide variety of medically and psychologically relevant information. Dr. Judy conducts forensic assessments in a variety of civic and criminal legal proceedings, and works closely with the client, his/her lawyer, the employer, and/or the court to ensure that the assessment conducted will address the specific needs for the case.   


All forensic evaluations include review of all pertinent legal and clinical documentation, clinical interviewing, collateral data gathering, and the administration of psychological testing (which may include neuropsychological instruments if necessary) and specialized forensic assessments (where appropriate). At the conclusion of the evaluation, verbal feedback will be provided, and a written report will be prepared (if requested) that includes specific sections that pertain to the assessment purpose, as well as test interpretation and recommendations. In certain cases, independent forensic evaluation may not be required, rather, a review of the assessment methods of other expert witnesses and to render an opinion about the validity of their methods, interpretation, and conclusions.


Dr. Judy Ho offers psychological expertise and testimony on the following: 


  • Independent Medical Examinations (IME), Defense Medical Examinations (DME), and Clinical/ Neuropsychological Evaluations for various types of personal injury

  • Traumatic Brain Injury and cognitive complaints, Neurocognitive Disorders and dementing illnesses, learning disabilities, ADHD

  • Malingering (exaggeration of psychological problems), deception, or concealing psychological problems

  • Fitness to Practice Evaluations for various national and state licensing boards, including Medical, Psychology, Behavioral Sciences, Pharmacy, Chiropractic, Dental, and Registered Nursing

  • Fitness for Duty Evaluations for applicants to Police Department and Fire Department

  • Violence Prediction and Risk Assessment

  • Mental state at time of offense

  • Sex offense allegations

  • Personality disorders and psychopathy

  • Competency to stand trial, to testify, and to be sentenced

  • Competency to make treatment decisions and to consent to research

  • Workers' Compensation

  • Discrimination and Sexual harassment

  • Substance Abuse and co-occurring Disorders

  • Psychotic Disorders

© 2020 JUDY HO


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